
Showing posts from November, 2020

Inaugural Post

 I've been looking for a creative outlet for all of my writing.  Well ... My would-be writing, my un-hatched, barely shared with myself much less others, just a kernel of an idea writings.  So I guess it's not writings, but it's just thoughts that are too long for an instagram story and not-ranty enough for a Facebook post, but things I wish I could share with friends. I have a lot of trouble trusting myself to be vulnerable with people. It's such a fine line between sharing enough vulnerability and oversharing to being the person whose entire life seems to be formed by walls of words self-selected from articles that resonate but may or may not actually apply. I've always wanted to have close friendships, but I've also had a problem letting people into my world. I've heavily fortified it over the years and as a people pleaser, it's been easier for me to listen to others than give voice to my own story.  But here I am. I'm embarking on this little que